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Holistic Practitioners For Beauty
Holistic medicine is increasing in popularity in the Western world as more and more consumers rely on natural products instead of artificially produced items. As the "green" and organic trends sweep across the United States, many consumers are becoming more interested in the concept of holistic medicine and the idea of visiting a holistic practitioner as a way of dealing with commonly... Continue Reading

All Naturopathic Clinic

9963 Southwest Nimbus Avenue
Beaverton, OR
Get Directions

(503) 644-7100

We accept mastercard and visa for payment. Our specialties include colo hydrotherapy, detox footbath, iv therapy, minor surgery, nd treatment for digestive disorders and primary care. We can assist you with accepting new patients, acupressure, acupuncture, alexander technique, allergies, amenorrhea, andropause therapy, anovulation, anxiety, applied kinesiology, aromatherapy, arthritis, astrology, ayurvedic therapy, biofeedback, bioidentical hormone therapy, body work, by appointment only, cervical dysplasia, cervicitis, chelation therapy, chinese medicine, chiropractic, cold laser therapy, cold process soaps, colonics, counseling, craniosacral therapy, crystal healing, cystitis, depression, detoxification programs, diabetes, diagnostic testing, digestive disorders, drop-in & emergency care, drug testing, ear coning, endometriosis, fatigue, financing, glycerin soaps, group therapy, handicapped accessibility, handmade soaps, heart disease, herbal medicine, herbs, high blood pressure management, holistic approaches, holistic healing, homeopathy, hormone balancing, hormone replacement therapy, hospice services, house calls, human growth hormones, hydrotherapy, hypnotherapy, infertility, intravenous therapy, iridology, kinleining, lab testing, magnet therapy, magnetic jewelry, mail order, mastitis, menopause therapy, menstrual disorders, mental & cognitive disorders, mind-body integration, minor surgery, morning sickness, myotherapy, natural birth control, natural childbirth, natural family planning, natural soaps, naturopathy, nursing difficulties, nutrition counseling, obesity, online orders, online shopping, osteoporosis, outpatient services, ovarian cysts, pain management, pediatric holistic healing, pediatrics, phone orders, physical therapy, pms, pms management, polycystic ovarian syndrome, postpartum depression, pregnancy testing, prenatal & postnatal care, preventive care, prostate disorders, psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, qigong, rainwater soap, reflexology, reiki, same day appointments, senior discounts, sexual dysfunction, sinus problems, soapmaking supplies, spiritual counseling, sports medicine, stress management, stress testing, testosterone replacement therapy , thai bodywork, thought field therapy, urinary incontinence, urinary problems, uterine fibroids, walk-ins welcome, warranties & guarantees, weight management, x-rays and yeast infections. Off 1st visit, beaverton. No sliding scale available. Insurance not accepted, sorry! Open for business mon-sat: 09:00 am-05:00 pm.


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