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Body-Centered Holistic Practitioners
One of the most popular types of holistic medicine is the different field of medicine associated with physical movement or touch. Holistic practitioners who specialize in body-centered therapy have studied different techniques of manipulating the human body for maximum positive results. Unlike physicians who isolate parts of the body that are experiencing pain or discomfort, holistic... Continue Reading

Washington District of Columbia Holistic Practitioner Listings

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Astrology Readings By Randy Goldberg
Washington, DC
Our specialties include astrology readings from a jungian mythic perspective (both western & india...
  Bonnie S Hillsberg
Washington, DC
Center For Integrative Medicine
Washington, DC
  Drug Policy Alliance
Washington, DC
Sankofa Concepts
Washington, DC
  Shovlin Marorie Lac Mac Diplac
Washington, DC
Talking Feet Reflexologist
Washington, DC
  The Body's Way of Natural Healing
Washington, DC
Tulsi Holistic Living LLC
Washington, DC
State registered. We can assist you with 4 - year nd program, 4 year nd program, acupuncture...
  Washington Institute-Natural
Washington, DC
We can assist you with acupressure, herbology, homeopathy, homeopathy- touch therapy- classes...
Wholeness for Humanity
Washington, DC
  Sullivan Andrea D Dr
Washington, DC
Our specialties include herbal medicine and specializing in homeopathic.
Washington, DC
We can assist you with meditation and yoga. Tai chi, children's classes, stretch your body! expan...
  Dove Center - Dove Healing Arts
Washington, DC
We can assist you with adolescent counseling, adult counseling, allergies, anxiety, aroma therap...
National Integrated Health Associates LLC - NIHA
Washington, DC
Our specialties include add/ adhd, allergy, cardiovascular disease, cancer support, chronic pain...
  Washington DC DAHN Center
Washington, DC
Our specialties include brain balancing, breathing, energy healing, fitness, healing martial art...
G.I. Jane Fit Boot Camp
Washington, DC
We accept credit cards for payment. We can assist you with strength training. Open for business...
  Good Earth Holistic Center
Washington, DC
Our specialties include massage, stress, herbal counseling and chronic pain. Certified. We ca...
National Integrated Health Associates LLC-NIHA
Washington, DC
Our specialties include alternative medicine, integrated holistic medicine, leaders in integrativ...
  Shovlin Marjorie M.Ac. L.Ac. Dipl.Ac.(NCCAOM)
Washington, DC
Dipl.ac. (nccaom), licensed acupuncturist (l.ac.), master of acupuncture (m.ac.), national boar...
Washington, DC
Certified. We can assist you with massage therapy.
  DAHN Yoga Center
Washington, DC
Our specialties include brain balancing, breathing, energy healing, healing martial art, mediation...
Center for Natural Healing
Washington, DC
  Dr. Paul V. Beals MD CCN
Washington, DC
Our specialties include cancer support, cardiovascular disease, family practice, lyme disease an...
Mildred W Goldstone PhD
Washington, DC
We accept medicare provider for payment. Our specialties include facilitating positiv...
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