Natural Health  
From Our Blog:
Holistic Practitioners For Beauty
Holistic medicine is increasing in popularity in the Western world as more and more consumers rely on natural products instead of artificially produced items. As the "green" and organic trends sweep across the United States, many consumers are becoming more interested in the concept of holistic medicine and the idea of visiting a holistic practitioner as a way of dealing with commonly... Continue Reading

Heart & Soul Healing Art Center

1167 N Lake Avenue
Pasadena, CA
Get Directions

(626) 798-8337

We accept all major credit cards accepted , american express, mastercard and visa for payment. Our specialties include clairvoyant readings, dream interpretations, house blessings, past life readings, psychic fairs, reiki healings and spiritual adviser. We can assist you with clairvoyant readings, dream interpretations, french art, house blessings, past life readings and psychic fairs. Reiki healings, psychic faires.


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