Natural Health  
From Our Blog:
Holistic Practitioner Massage Therapy and Aromatherapy
Holistic medicine and homeopathic methods of reducing stress and physical discomfort are gaining popularity in the United States. For centuries, these medical methods were used in Asian cultures as a way of healthfully and naturally dealing with ailments and issues commonly experienced by humans. Holistic medicine deals with the body as a whole and never tries to mask symptoms of pain and... Continue Reading

National Integrated Health Associates LLC - NIHA

5225 Wisconsin Avenue Northwest
Washington, DC
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Our specialties include add/ adhd, allergy, cardiovascular disease, cancer support, chronic pain, hormonal imbalances, lyme disease, rejuvenation & detoxification and stroke. Physicians, naturopaths, and biological dentists are conventionally trained and holistically oriented. Insurance not accepted, sorry! No sliding scale available.


5 out of 5 stars
By Debra J from Queenstown, Md
Posted Oct 28, 2010

I have used NIHA practioners for several years. They have helped my sons' asthma and epilepsy and my daughter's lyme disease (which was misdiagnosed as MS before they became involved).
I have a friend who takes her son who has Crohns disease. You must treat chronic illnesses from all directions to have success. Not including integrative health services in this era is like working without a computer. - You're really missing the benefit of a tremendous resource. NIHA's participation in our treatment program has made all the difference in our lives. For the skeptics out there who feel integrative treatment is "experimental", trust me, plenty of main stream physicians are experimenting in far more dangerous ways because they are not nearly as scrutinized. Holistic medicine has been around and proven for centuries.- We're just way behind here!

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