Natural Health  
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Holistic Practitioners And Medical Licensing
Holistic medicine is a unique approach to the ailments generally experienced by the human body. Holistic medicine is sometimes referred to as traditional medicine or Eastern medicine and is sharply contrasted with Modern medicine which is often called western medicine. The key difference in these two medicinal standpoints is the concept of isolation versus inclusion. In Western medicine, the... Continue Reading

On the Path Limited

11295 Arbor Drive
The Plains, OH
Get Directions

(740) 797-7284

Helping our customers in english and spanish. We accept american express, debit cards, discover, mastercard, money orders, personal checks, travelers checks and visa for payment. Our specialties include certified reflexologist, craniosacral therapy, gift certificates available, licensed massage therapy, mediation & inner development, meditation & inner development counseling , ortho-bionomy, programs & events, radical forgiveness, radical forgiveness activities, radical forgiveness book studies, circle ceremonies, and satori game nights , radical forgiveness coaching, raindrop technique, reflexology, sponsor for workshops, seminars and and classes. Bwc approved, certified reflexologist, licensed massage therapy. We can assist you with accepting new patients, and circle ceremonies, anxiety reduction, aromatherapy products, arthritis relief, body work, book studies, books, bridal packages, by appointment only, candles & candle accessories, carpal tunnel syndrome, cds, chronic pain relief, classes & workshops, craniosacral therapy, deep tissue massage, depression, detoxification programs, energy work, essential oil treatments, essential oils, female practitioners, fibromyalgia, for "young living oils" visit website , geriatric massage, gift certificates, gift certificates available, guided meditation, headaches & migraines, holistic health practitioners, hot stone massage, incense & incense burners, jewelry, licensed massage therapist, licensed massage therapy, medical referrals, meditation & inner development, meditation & inner development counseling , nurturing your body, mind & spirit , on-site services, online catalog, ortho-bionomy, pain & migraine relief, preventive care, programs & events, radical forgiveness, radical forgiveness activities, radical forgiveness coaching, raindrop technique, reflexology, reiki, repetitive strain injuries, sciatica, seated massage, see us at massage therapists, senior discounts, spiritual counseling, statues, stress reduction therapy, student discounts, swedish massage, tmj relief, wellness programs and world music. We've served industrial, residential and commercial customers. We are a female owned owned operation. In practice since 2000. Hours by appointment. Open for business hours by appointment.


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