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Holistic Practitioners For Beauty
Holistic medicine is increasing in popularity in the Western world as more and more consumers rely on natural products instead of artificially produced items. As the "green" and organic trends sweep across the United States, many consumers are becoming more interested in the concept of holistic medicine and the idea of visiting a holistic practitioner as a way of dealing with commonly... Continue Reading

Cristina's Energy Center

Union Square NYC
New York, NY
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Cristina has been studying and working with various complementary care modalities for over 15 years and is deeply dedicated to help people achieve more health and happiness in their lives by restoring the body, mind and spirit to its natural state of radiant health. Through non-invasive techniques Cristina balances the body’s energies to relieve stress, overcome depression, and boost the immune system. You will feel the benefits of increased energy, more enthusiasm for life and a greater sense of balance and clarity in your life. A session with Cristina is uniquely tailored to the your needs. Through the use of gentle touch, electromagnetic energy, color, aromatherapy and crystals Cristina offers an affective approach to managing and optimizing your life. Cristina approaches the healing process with love and compassion and works with you to achieve your goals. She believes in your inner physician and will teach you how to maintain the balance and relief achieved in a session once you are home. Contact Cristina for a session or visit our virtual Health and Lifestyle Center for information, instruction and community.


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