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Holistic Practitioners For Beauty
Holistic medicine is increasing in popularity in the Western world as more and more consumers rely on natural products instead of artificially produced items. As the "green" and organic trends sweep across the United States, many consumers are becoming more interested in the concept of holistic medicine and the idea of visiting a holistic practitioner as a way of dealing with commonly... Continue Reading

Shepherd Family Chiropractic - Matthew Shepherd DC

279 Placerville Drive # K
Placerville, CA
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(530) 621-4090

Our specialties include auto accident injuries, biological meridian testing, emergencies seen immediately, herbal therapy, homeopathic treatments, lasting results, modern & gentle techniques, personal non-rushed care, specializing in whole body health & wellness , specializing in whole body nutrition & wellness , sports, therapeutic massage, wellness, work, work home or sports injuries and workplace. We accept mastercard and visa for payment. Our preferred brands include wellness. We can assist you with auto accident injuries, bio-meridian testing, dmv physicials & drug testing services , emergencies seen immediately, herbology, homeopathy, massage therapy, modern & gentle techniques, personal non-rushed care, specializing in whole body health & wellness , specializing in whole body nutrition & wellness , sports, stress reduction therapy, therapeutic massage, wellness, work and home or sports injuries. We do not offer emergency service. Lasting results. Open for business hours by appointment.


5 out of 5 stars
By Elder Pinto from Rio de Janeiro, BR
Posted Mar 29, 2011


Desculpe, mas foi o único e-mail que consegui para falar com você!!
Você não está querendo ser achado meu amigo? Quer dizer que você agora é Chiropractor em Placerville, CA.

Estou indo a Los Angeles nos dias 05,06 e 07 de abril (disney,etc) e queria vê-lo, mas de L.A a Placerville são 7 horas e meia!!! Vou te passar meu e-mail pessoal cara. Vamos manter contato!!! Meu e-mail é ebpjunior@yahoo.com.br

Um grande abraço

Elder Pinto - Rio de Janeiro
5 out of 5 stars
By aaron romo from sacramento, CA
Posted Sep 30, 2009

his employee toni seed was arrested for DUI and meth possesion, should she be in a office that does drug testing?

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