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Holistic Practitioners And Medical Licensing
Holistic medicine is a unique approach to the ailments generally experienced by the human body. Holistic medicine is sometimes referred to as traditional medicine or Eastern medicine and is sharply contrasted with Modern medicine which is often called western medicine. The key difference in these two medicinal standpoints is the concept of isolation versus inclusion. In Western medicine, the... Continue Reading

Counseling & Therapy Service - Raymond Le Bleu PhD

4008 Ernest Street
Lake Charles, LA
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(337) 478-8273
Our specialties include alcohol, alcohol abuse, all clinical, anger, anger management, divorce & separation prevention , drug, drug abuse, health & personal problems and marriage crisis intervention. We can assist you with alcohol, all clinical, health & personal , all clinical, health & personal problems , anger, board certified clinical hypnotherapist , divorce & separation prevention , divorce separation prevention & relationship improvement , dr. of clinical hypnotherapy, drug, drugs, emotional, habits, health, intensive marriage counseling & crisis intervention , marriage crisis intervention, pain, personal change, sex, sleep, smoking, speech, sports and weight. Where you get more than just talk, with a christian perspective. We've been in business since 1987.


5 out of 5 stars
By The Cooks from Lake Charles, LA
Posted Apr 5, 2010

We had our share of ups and downs in our lives. We are thankful for God to place Dr. Lebleu in our lives. We had serveral crisis to face, but with this counseling we were able to stand strong and deal with this issues head on. I recommend him and his therapy service to anyone. His long years of experience have brought us though some tough times. We honestly can't pay you enough for the service you rended. Thanks and May God Bless.

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