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From Our Blog:
Yoga Taught With Professional Holistic Practitioners
Holistic practitioners are individuals who use a holistic approach to medicine and may recommend many alternative treatment methods for dealing with common ailments. One of the most common treatments in holistic medicine is yoga. What is Yoga? Yoga is a holistic method with origins in many Asian cultures. Yoga is usually accompanies by mediation and sometimes uses chanting to achieve a... Continue Reading

Amaya Natural Therapeutics

230 E College Drive
Durango, CO
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(970) 247-3939

Our specialties include 30 60 or 90 minute, chiropractic care, cold plunge & sauna, cold plunge and dry sauna, detoxification services, hot tub, structural energy work and therapeutic massage. We can assist you with 30, 60 or 90 minute massage therapy , 30, 60, or 90 minute, cedar sauna, chiropractic care, colon-hydrotherapy, cranial-sacral therapy, detoxification services, hot tub, cold plunge & sauna, hot tub, cold plunge, and dry sauna , naturopathic medicine, salt water hot tub, structural energy work and therapeutic massage. Cold plunge. Open for business 6 days a week.


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