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Holistic Practitioners And Medical Licensing
Holistic medicine is a unique approach to the ailments generally experienced by the human body. Holistic medicine is sometimes referred to as traditional medicine or Eastern medicine and is sharply contrasted with Modern medicine which is often called western medicine. The key difference in these two medicinal standpoints is the concept of isolation versus inclusion. In Western medicine, the... Continue Reading

Woodlake Chiropractic Center - Tina Watt DC

2401 W Turner Road # 230
Lodi, CA
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(209) 334-2366
(209) 334-2377
We accept convenient payment options, insurance welcome, mastercard and visa for payment. Our specialties include arm & shoulder pain, arthritis, athletes, auto accidents, back pain, families, free initial consultation, headaches, highly qualified, leg & hip pain, neck pain, proven techniques, seniors and work injuries. Seniors. We can assist you with arm & shoulder pain, athletes, back pain - neck pain, families, headaches - arthritis - leg & hip pain , proven techniques, seniors and work injuries - auto accidents. Highly qualified, providing you with the finest chiropractic care, gentle & caring, advanced technology, fast, affordable relief. Open for business mon-wed-fri 10-6:30 tues-thurs 2:30-6:30.


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