| Acupuncture Clinic in North Dartmouth, MA |
| Nabzdyk James DC in Joliet, IL |
| Bircher Chiropractic - Don Riemer MD in Eau Claire, WI |
| Mara Okshteyn LLC in Santa Fe, NM |
| Lara Kurtak in Fraser, CO |
| Ellsworth John in Springfield, OH |
| EastWest HealthWorks, Inc in Chelmsford, MA |
| Pete Connolly, LMP in Edmonds, WA |
| Bodywork Heaven LLC in Metairie, LA |
| White Crow's Mystical/Eccentric Health Services in Floyds Knobs, IN |
| Gateway Family Chiropractic - Deborah R Towle DC in Truckee, CA |
| Listen To Thyself A Holistic in Middleboro, MA |
| Bump Robert Lac - Eagle & Avon in Vail, CO |
| LA HODA Chiropractic Center in Richboro, PA |
| Acupuncture and Traditional Asian Medicine Clinic in Denver, CO |
From Our Blog:
Holistic Medicine Versus Modern Medicine In the Western world, the concept of alternative medicine has begun gaining increased attention amongst many consumers. Alternative medicine, also called holistic medicine, is still widely misunderstood; however, many consumers who have used holistic medicine and holistic practitioners to deal with problems in their own lives, whether medical or mental, have experienced amazing results and have... Continue Reading |
Accredited Acupuncture Healing
87 Scripps Drive # 212
Sacramento, CA
(916) 924-7911
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