Natural Health  
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Body-Centered Holistic Practitioners
One of the most popular types of holistic medicine is the different field of medicine associated with physical movement or touch. Holistic practitioners who specialize in body-centered therapy have studied different techniques of manipulating the human body for maximum positive results. Unlike physicians who isolate parts of the body that are experiencing pain or discomfort, holistic... Continue Reading

Weiner Mitchell A

984 North Broadway Suite LL01
Yonkers, NY

(914) 965-9425

We can assist you with chiropractic. Pain control, nutrition, kinesiology, athletic injuries, ans. service 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a wk.. We do not offer emergency service. Open for business service 24 hours a day 7 days a wk.


5 out of 5 stars
By Judith A from Charlotte, NC
Posted Dec 2, 2012

Dr. Weiner got me standing upright and kept me that way for more than 20 years and without pain. I can't wait to move back to NY so I can be that way again. It took a couple of weeks and one day I realized my back didn't hurt. I didn't notice it at first because that's how it's supposed to be. What a great feeling it was.

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