Heavenly Hollow Distribution
Averill Park, ny 12018 518-281-4561 heavenlyhollowdist.com julie@heavenlyhollowdist.com Julie Walsh has been the sole manufacturer/designer of Heavenly Hollow's Herbal Pack Products for over 14 years. As an established herbalist, with a background in aromatherapy, Reiki Master, entrepreneur, and company owner, Julie Walsh has long understood the importance of infusing natural , double-inexpensive "pods of quality relaxation and self-care" throughout ones stressful day. Julie is a Certified Reiki Master /Teacher Practitioners status practicing the Usui Reiki Method Technique along with a separate, but compatible service of healing in Integrated Energy Therapy as an Advanced IET Practitioner from The Center of Being, Inc. Julie also holds numerous certifications with Angel ~ology along with many courses in Psychology from The Sage Colleges in Albany NY along with accredited courses from The American Meditation Institute . Share Your Review Please note: all reviews are screened for spam and take 24-48 hours to be approved.