Heart Mind healing
New York, NY 10001 (646) 335-5563 (212) 594-2238 naturalqi.com We can assist you with accepting new patients, acupressure, acupuncture, addictions treatment, allergies & asthma, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, circulatory disorders, cosmetic acupuncture, depression, digestive disorders, ear acupuncture, eating disorders, emotional problems, handicapped accessibility, herbal medicine, herbal pharmacy, herbs, insomnia, lifestyle counseling, massage therapy, meditation, nerve disorders, nutrition counseling, pediatric holistic healing, preventive care, repetitive strain injuries, respiratory problems, same day appointments, sinus problems, skin disorders, spiritual counseling, sports injuries, sports medicine, stress management, vitamins, walk-ins welcome, weight management and wellness programs. We are a female owned owned operation. We DO have emergency services available. Open for business mon-fri: 11:00am-08:00pm. Share Your Review Please note: all reviews are screened for spam and take 24-48 hours to be approved.