Natural Health  
From Our Blog:
What Is A Holistic Practitioner?
Holistic medicine is a branch of medicine that is often met with skepticism and uncertainty. This branch of medicine does not rely on surgeries or medications during treatment. Instead, holistic practitioners strive to understand how the body works as a whole, and when treating patients, they evaluate all of the aspects of an individual's life before delivering a diagnosis and suggesting a... Continue Reading

Contact Physical Therapy PC

1106 E Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY
Get Directions

(315) 422-6828

Our specialties include craniosacral therapy, headaches & chronic pain, muscle energy technique, myofascial release, neck & back pain, orthopedic sports injuries, pediatrics & geriatrics and strain counterstrain. We can assist you with (back in balance), (seeds of life), acupuncture, chiropractic care, craniosacral therapy, headaches & chronic pain, holistic health counseling, integrative paths to health & wellness , massage therapy, muscle energy technique, myofascial release, neck & back pain, occupational & massage therapy, structural integration , orthopedic sports injuries, pediatrics & geriatrics, physical therapy, craniosacral, myofascial release and strain counterstrain. One-on-one hands-on treatment.


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