| Se CT Therapy & Wellness Center in Uncasville, CT |
| Traditional Acupuncture in Newcastle, ME |
| Angela Crabtree Therapeutic in Ashland, KY |
| Gardner Family Chiropractic - Gwendolyn Gardner DC in Quakertown, PA |
| Lauren's Therapeutic Massage in Norwell, MA |
| Sightlines Vision Center - Terry Trinka OD in Conifer, CO |
| Holistic Medicine Center in Los Gatos, CA |
| Scanlan Gina Massage Therapists in Thomasville, GA |
| Szilagyi Jefferey L Ac in San Anselmo, CA |
| SOHO Vital Life Center in New York, NY |
| Ajna in Staten Island, NY |
| State Street Chiropractic Office - Jacob Bastomski DC in Santa Barbara, CA |
| Beverly Venti Chiropractic - Thomas J Venti DC in Beverly, MA |
| Body-Mind-Movement in San Francisco, CA |
| Lincoln Chiropractic Center - Kari Leonard DC in Lincoln, ME |
From Our Blog:
Holistic Medicine Versus Modern Medicine In the Western world, the concept of alternative medicine has begun gaining increased attention amongst many consumers. Alternative medicine, also called holistic medicine, is still widely misunderstood; however, many consumers who have used holistic medicine and holistic practitioners to deal with problems in their own lives, whether medical or mental, have experienced amazing results and have... Continue Reading |
Jeffersonville Indiana Holistic Practitioner Listings
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